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Letters to the Editor: ‘It’s happening again’: Trump gets a pass as the media scrutinize Harris

To the editor: Remember how in 2016, the media let Donald Trump slide into power by not effectively calling out why he shouldn’t be president? It’s happening again.
Every time I see a headline about Vice President Kamala Harris not being detailed enough about her policies and she isn’t this or that, I think, why aren’t you saying this about Trump?
Every article needs a head-to-head comparison on what each nominee says. If Harris is vague, how does Trump articulate his position? If it’s not him directly articulating, then is Project 2025 standing in for the policy ideas?
Also, it might be helpful to question Trump’s age and coherence as regularly and as detailed as the media did for President Biden.
Finally, here’s a story pitch: Everyone is touting Trump’s economic policies, yet what are economies like under dictators? Does the working class get a fair shake? If so, great news — I might even vote for Trump. Yet Americans have no idea what it’s like to live under a dictator; so, help us understand.
Charla Myers, Santa Monica
To the editor: Lanhee J. Chen is critical of Harris for modifying her policy positions. But politicians do this all the time.
Trump has flip-flopped on abortion, immigration, China, cryptocurrency and a variety of other issues. He’s disavowed the Heritage Foundation’s Project 2025, a wishlist of right-wing ideas, yet some of them are in his own policy platform.
Even Sen. Mitt Romney (R-Utah), who once was Chen’s boss, altered his views on everything from gun control to climate change.
It’s well to remember that “a foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds.” Citizens and donors modify their views, and politicians respond. The economy is dynamic, so policy prescriptions must follow suit. Voters, including the undecided, know that politicians rarely are consistent.
Sanford Jacoby, Los Angeles
To the editor: First off, I will not be voting for Trump. And nothing in Harris’ resume encourages me to vote for her either.
Your otherwise fine, articulate columnists typically write pieces bashing Trump, over and over and over. Enough already — we get the picture. Some of the bashing may provide a bit of entertainment but not helpful insight for us independents.
Perhaps they could dig a bit deeper and write compelling reasons to vote for Harris.
Dick Helmuth, Costa Mesa
To the editor: I had to laugh at the article examining Harris’ views on policing.
To better compare them with Trump’s record, let’s start with the day he triggered a mob insurrection as his MAGA lunatics attacked police. For hours he watched TV and didn’t lift a finger.
Ivan Goldman, Redondo Beach
